my daily escape from the world and into my own

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

im back from the gym

it has been a little over a week since I last posted. I think it is because I started working out again, which is a great thing for me. I haven't worked out since October, back when I did yoga every single day. working out is such a great release of tension and stress especially when I go right after work or dinner. i do wish the gym was less packed though, people need to use more deodorant!

should i get new gym shoes? the ones i have right now are probably more than 5 years old..but looks like its in decent shape, perhaps a little outdated? anyway i went shopping with PC last week, and we saw these Nikes that I really liked. They are so light, so flexible, so fresh. I will consider purchasing them once i get my refund from ebay and zappos.

looks like they don't have the exact color on the Nike site anymore! i also saw other colors that i really liked, but of course they are out of stock. These are the Nike Free Run+ women's running shoes. 
if this color weren't out of stock, i would buy it right now. 

also, 5 hour energy is interesting. i almost felt too jittery and had to constantly be moving. feels like they laced the drink with drugs or something. on top of it it wasn't FDA approved? who knows what ingredients they put in there. 

music of the moment: 1901 station on Pandora

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